EADTU Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board is responsible for the management of the EADTU as an institutional association. It operates within the conditions set by the General Assembly and is supported by the EADTU Office.

The Supervisory Board is a reflection of the membership and consists of the President, Vice-President and Supervisory Board members. The General Assembly (re)elects a President and Supervisory Board members. The Vice-President is elected among the Supervisory Board members. The executive term for all positions within the Supervisory Board is set for two years.

Theo Bastiaens

President EADTU and Rector Open Universiteit

Ada Pellert

Vice-President EADTU and Rector FernUniversität in Hagen

Jukka Lerkkanen

Director | JYU Open University

Pastora Martinez

Vice President for Globalization and Cooperation | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Mark Brown

Director | National Institute for Digital Learning

Fernando Val Garijo

Adjunct Vice-Rector | UNED

Petros Pashiardis

Rector | Open University of Cyprus

Nicola Paravati

Head of International Affairs | Uninettuno

Fuat Erdal

Rector | Anadolu University

Josie Fraser

Deputy Vice-Chancellor | Open University