Current members

Anadolu University (AU)


Eskisehir Academy of Economic and Commercial Sciences, established in 1958, laid the foundation of Anadolu University. The Academy was replaced by Anadolu University in 1982, which has since gained a well-deserved place as a modern, dynamic and innovative institution among the largest universities not only in Turkey, but also in the world. Anadolu University delivers open education under the roof of three faculties: Open Education Faculty, Faculty of Business Administration, and Faculty of Economics. Anadolu University offers 19 undergraduate degree programs, 41 associate degree programs, 107 e-certificate programs, and 60 MOOCs (AKADEMA). Open education at Anadolu goes beyond national borders, offering degree and non-degree programs to Turkish citizens across the world, including those in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Western Europe, Balkans, Azerbaijan, and North America. 

FernUniversität in Hagen (FernUni)


 FernUniversität in Hagen is the only state-maintained distance teaching university (single mode) in Germany with 13 regional centres and 19 study centres. With its tradition of supported distance learning, the FernUniversität has been offering an alternative to on-campus studies within the German university landscape for 40 years and is currently serving around 78.000 students. It offers a great variety of study programmes leading to Bachelor and Master degrees as well as further education programmes. The FernUniversität also encourages and supports focus- and profile oriented research. Years of experience in developing mature teaching materials has made the FernUniversität one of the national and international leaders in developing multimedia teaching materials and online courses.

Open Universiteit


Open Universiteit, founded in 1984, is an independent, government-funded Dutch university, known for its state-of-the-art teaching methods. Within the various scientific areas, the university conducts societally relevant, impactful research, often in collaboration with businesses and other institutions. Students follow activating distance education, created in accordance with the latest insights, and supported by the newest available technologies. Students can select bachelor and master programs or courses from seven different disciplines. Characteristics of education at the Open Universiteit are openness, flexibility and quality. The university aims to provide cost-effective education and encourages innovation in Dutch higher education, in terms of both curriculum and teaching.

Open University of Cyprus (OUC)


The Open University of Cyprus (OUC) was founded in 2002 as the second public University in Cyprus and the only University devoted entirely to open and distance education in the country. OUC offers affordable, multidisciplinary, career-oriented, high quality and national and foreign agency accredited bachelors, masters and PhD programmes in various scientific fields, in classical and cutting-edge subject areas, which meet the needs of the business world, and upskill graduates to fulfil their personal and professional aspirations. All academic programmes are organised in three faculties: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences and Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management. At OUC, there is no “one size fits all” approach. The distance teaching educational methodology and the innovative eLearning Platform utilized by the OUC enables its students to follow a broad intellectual path, irrespective of their age, time, location or life circumstances, and expand their horizons, while upholding high academic standards.. The OUC’s vision is to become a prestigious university of regional distinction and scale, i.e. the Edupreneurial University, which the 21st century requires.

The Open University (OUUK)

United Kingdom

The Open University was founded as a distance teaching university in 1969 and today the OU is the largest academic institution in the UK with around 200.000 students. Built on the belief that technology could make high quality degree-level learning accessible and affordable to people who did not choose, or perhaps did not have the opportunity, to attend traditional campus universities, The Open University is "open to people, places, methods and ideas" and promotes educational opportunity and social justice by providing high-quality university education to all who wish to realise their ambitions and fulfil their potential. The OU has (approximately): 6.400 tutors; 1.100 full-time academic staff, and more than 3.500 support and administrative staff.

Universidade Aberta (UAb)


Established in 1988, Universidade Aberta (UAb) is the only public higher education institution of distance learning in Portugal. Due to its purpose, UAb uses extensively the most advanced technologies and methods of Distance Learning, saving no geographical borders or physical barriers, and giving special emphasis to the expansion of Portuguese language and culture within the Lusophony space (migrant communities and Portuguese speaking countries). In this context, UAb offers higher education anywhere in the world (Undergraduate, Master and Doctorate degrees) and Lifelong Learning study programs. In 2008 UAb became a reference European institution in the area of advanced elearning and online learning through the recognition of its Virtual Pedagogical Model, which was developed around four cornerstones: student-centered learning, flexibility, interaction and digital inclusion.

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)


The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) was founded in 1995 as the world's first online university with the mission of using technology to make quality university education available to everyone. It has a unique, fully online and student-focused model for lifelong learning.

UOC has been promoting talent, and generating and connecting knowledge for over 25 years. It is a global university with social impact, actively involved in meeting the challenges of the 2030 Agenda. 

UOC has around 80,000 students from 142 countries, and some 90,000 graduates have received their education in its virtual classrooms. UOC offers 27 bachelor's degrees, 53 university master's degrees, 77 UOC-certified master's degree and postgraduate diplomas, 200 specialization and postgraduate courses, 10 vocational training programmes, and 578 other courses.

UOC's research focuses on the interaction between technology and the human and social sciences. It has a learning innovation centre – the eLearn Center (eLC) – and two research centres – the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) and the eHealth Center (eHC).

University of Jyväskylä (JYU)


The University of Jyväskylä (JYU) is a dynamic multidisciplinary research university. The University was established in 1863 when the first Finnish-language teacher training seminar started in Jyväskylä. Nowadays, JYU is an open and collaborative community of almost 2,600 experts and 14,000 students, including six faculties, five independent institutes and two subsidiaries. In Finland, JYU has been a forerunner in Open Access publishing. Of all universities in the world, the University of Jyväskylä is among the top three percent and represents the best of the world in several of its disciplines.  

The Open University of the University of Jyväskylä (JYUOpen) is the largest open university unit in Finland, serving 27 000 students annually. JYUOpen is an integral part of the University of Jyväskylä. We promote educational equality and lifelong learning. At the Open University, we are actively developing pedagogic solutions suitable for adults who study while they work. The potential of online learning is used and tested boldly, yet so that study-related activities would be clear and student-friendly. 

Università Telematica Internazionale UNINETTUNO (UNINETTUNO)


Founded in 2005, the International Telematic University UNINETTUNO emerged from the NETTUNO Consortium, a non-profit association of 43 Italian and international public universities, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. UNINETTUNO delivers academic titles acknowledged in Europe and some Arabic countries. It offers undergraduate courses of six Subjects: International Law, Economics, Engineering, Media and Communication, Literature, Psychology in five different languages – Arabic, French, English, Italian and Spanish. Currently the educational offer (to students from more than 100 countries) contains, 9 Degree Courses, several Master Programs and Vocational Courses. UNINETTUNO cooperates with Universities, Governments and Institutions worldwide for the Developing of open, accessible and sustainable Education. 

Distance Education Centre of Latvia (DECL)


The Distance Education Centre of Latvia (DECL) was founded in 1996 to support the development of distance education in Latvia. DECL is now association of 13 legal members including leading higher education institutions of Latvia, as well as professional and secondary education establishments offering distance education.

The aim of DECL is to use up-to-date distance education technologies to foster development of personality, provide opportunities to adapt to changing environment and to learn according to the needs and interests of individuals. DECL is organizing training events, promoting cooperation and exchange of experience among members. The Riga Technical University (RTU) in collaboration with the University of Liepaja (LiepU) is offering PhD study programme “E-learning Technologies and Management”.

National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL)


The National Institute for Digital Learning (NIDL) at Dublin City University (DCU) aims to be a world leader at the forefront of new Blended, On-Line and Digital (BOLD) models of education. We have an ambitious mission of transforming lives and societies by exploring new BOLD and innovative approaches to teaching, learning and assessment for better and more imaginative futures - for all. DCU has a long history of distance education and the NIDL is committed to providing strategic leadership, leading-edge innovation, and enabling world-class transformative research. Our team is highly regarded globally for their research and online teaching expertise, and the NIDL supports a comprehensive suite of professional development opportunities from short courses, micro-credentials to degrees and advanced doctoral studies. 

Centre for Distance Studies Austria


The "Centre for Distance Studies Austria" (CDSA) is part of the Johannes Kepler University Linz. It has study centres in a range of Austrian towns and cities: Bregenz, Linz, Saalfelden, Villach and Vienna.

For almost thirty years it works together with the FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany's largest University. For this the Centre for Distance Studies provides services to FernUnis' wide range of internationally accredited Bachelor- and Master programs. At the moment about 2.500 students use the services of the Centre because of its high flexibililty, moderate costs and individual support.

In addition to that the CDSA provides and develops support to JKUs’ own flexible distance and online programs like “Multi-Media Studies in Law”, “Artificial Intelligence” and more to come.

Université TÉLUQ


Université TÉLUQ is a Canadian public university located in the province of Quebec. Headquartered in Quebec City, Quebec's capital, it also has offices in Montreal, the province's metropolis. The university was founded in 1972 with a mandate to increase access to higher education. It is the only French-language university in North America modelled exclusively on a distance education approach. The university welcomes around 20 000 students, who particularly appreciate the flexibility offered by its continuous admission system and asynchronous courses. With over a hundred professors and almost 300 tutors, the university has four departments (Business Administration; Humanities, Languages and Communication; Science and Technology; Education) and offers more than 430 courses and 125 programs. Université TÉLUQ is also a research university. Its main research areas include: Teaching and learning in the age of digital media; Intelligent systems and information science and technology; Social functioning, life courses, human thinking and interpersonal relations; Social, organizational and professional change in a context of internationalization, computerization and multiculturalism

Benefits of EADTU membership

EADTU has a European coverage and is regarded by the European Commission as a main interlocutor as far as lifelong open and flexible learning in distance higher education is concerned.

European positioning of your university

  • become EADTU General Assembly member
  • receive membership of EADTU’s Rectors' Conference or Associations' Conference;
  • join our yearly EADTU-EU Summit on innovating higher education
  • join and be represented at our yearly Innovating Higher Education Conference IHE
  • cooperate on faculty or expert level in EADTU's networks and activities;
  • get involved in EADTU’s task forces on cutting edge topics in HE;
  • participate in European projects of front running universities;
  • participate in strategy and innovation seminars;
  • let your interests be part of EADTU's consultations with other members and the EU.

Sharing expertise

  • become a partner with the most prestigious European open and distance teaching universities, consortia and research institutes and in European projects through a single access point;
  • receive latest information on related research and development;
  • get access and input to shared member portals in the field of e.g. open educational resources, micro-credentials, quality assurance, virtual mobility and university-business cooperation (full list)
  • become part of sharing good practices of fellow universities' strategies, policies and approaches;
  • become involved in discipline based academic networks for online, open and flexible learning;
  • become part of a platform for bilateral and multilateral cooperation with fellow universities;
  • become an associate in quality for e-learning (E-xcellence Label)
  • become an expert in EADTU's EMPOWER expert pools;
  • becoming partner of the OpenupEd initiative on MOOCs


  • collaborate with other members in education, research and innovation in open and flexible learning, technology enhanced learning, university-business cooperation, etc;
  • benefit from collaborative curricula and virtual mobility;
  • co-organise graduate school activities at master and PhD level;
  • become involved in collaborative European projects;
  • valorise your knowledge/research in expertise and service centres, supported by EADTU (quality assurance, virtual mobility, open educational resources, university-business cooperation,...),
  • join the yearly staff-support event to meet international colleagues and share opportunities, challenges and approaches in student and staff support

Be informed on latest developments

  • always get the latest info on new developments in European higher education;
  • be represented on the EADTU web of quality providers of open and distance education;
  • receive EADTU's bi-monthly Newsletter and use it as your platform to promote events, developments, research,..
  • join EADTU's annual conferences as a member and represent your university under the dedicated strands;
  • get assistance from the EADTU office on latest developments in innovating higher education to find expertise and fellow experts

*Benefits apply to all EADTU members, although membership of the Supervisory Board is restricted to full members
*Project participation is open for all members, but funding may be subject to EU restrictions

Additional benefits

EADTU members and the staff of member institutions benefit from a discount on the EADTU Conference fee, and fees for other EADTU events. EADTU also enters into (occasional) partnerships to bring discounts for members for third-party events and other services.
For example, StudyPortals will provide EADTU members with a discount for their advertisement services offered on DistanceLearningPortal.

Types of membership

Full member | non-profit open and distance teaching universities

Non-profit open and distance teaching universities and departments of universities/institutions for higher education that are responsible for online, open and flexible higher distance education and related research.

    1. fulfilling an exclusive mission of organising online, open and flexible higher education;
    2. integrated in the formal HE structure of the country of origin, fulfilling all national requirements of quality assurance and accreditation;
    3. originating from Europe or neighbouring countries that signed the Bologna Declaration;
    4. willing to participate and initiate programmes, projects and task forces on EADTU level.
Full member | Non-profit associations and consortia of conventional universities

Non-profit associations and consortia of conventional universities that act for institutions for online, open and flexible higher distance education:

  1. fulfilling a substantial mission of organising online, open and flexible higher education;
  2. integrated in the formal HE structure of the country of origin, fulfilling all national requirements of quality assurance and accreditation;
  3. originating from Europe or neighbouring countries that signed the Bologna Declaration;
  4. willing to participate and initiate programmes, projects and task forces on EADTU level.

Associations referred to are fulfilling a diversity of tasks:

  1. representing a (national) group of universities in the Board;
  2. are (national) platforms for the organisation of EADTU activities;
  3. are the intermediate between EADTU and the member universities behind them, i.e. arranging the participation in projects, the delivery of information, etc;
  4. supporting their members with regard to multiple aspects of the organization of distance education: the provision of information, consultancy, services (staff training, portals, national intercampus education, international contacts and networking);
  5. representing national distance higher education at the national, European and global level.
Single university members for associations in development

For those universities that want to become member of EADTU, but miss the structure of an Association we allow them as a starting point for new member associations. Single university membership is applicable for those universities that are performing on the range of the following criteria.

  1. fulfilling a mission of organising online, open and flexible higher education;
  2. integrated in the formal HE structure of the country of origin, fulfilling all national requirements of quality assurance and accreditation;
  3. originating from Europe or neighbouring countries that signed the Bologna Declaration;
  4. willing to participate and initiate programmes, projects and task forces on EADTU level;
  5. having a mission in establishing an association mentioned under II.

Associated members

Organisations that are fulfilling the criteria of full membership mentioned above but not originating from Europe or neighbouring countries that have signed the Bologna declaration.

Becoming a member

New applicants for EADTU membership will be asked to register according to the following procedure:

  • Request for registration by letter, addressed to the Managing Director of EADTU;

  • Production of a self review report, describing the institutional structure, student profile and course offers etc. For this purpose, a special format has been developed, to be used as a guideline, available upon request;

  • Via EADTU Secretariat, the nomination will be placed on the agenda of the next General Board and Executive Committee meeting. In some circumstances, a peer review will take place for new EADTU members;

  • The Board, which meets twice a year, will decide on the acceptance or non-acceptance of the application for participation in the Association.

  • On behalf of EADTU, the Managing Director, mandated by the Board, will inform the applicant about the (non-)acceptance of the application.